About the Author
Light In The Dark Place is a ghostwriter for the thisisitbe4thefire ministry hosted by beloved Jonathan Kleck.
The LORD God has guided me to be a ghostwriter and to remain anonymous in the online world.
On a personal note, if you talk to anyone I know you will understand that I have no shame or fear in doing ministry outreach face to face using my true identity.
I do not seek nor do I want any credit for my efforts in ministry outreach and I am eternally grateful for the ministry given by the Lord Jesus Christ to brother Jonathan Kleck.
It is simply my ultimate joy to be of service to help awaken our lost brothers and sisters in Christ.
The revelations contained within this website are all attributed to the gift of the Holy Spirit to Jonathan Kleck by the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory is due.
More About Light In The Dark Place
The purpose of these published articles is to introduce some key points from the videos in written form and make pathways for those that seek the truth to find Jonathan Kleck’s videos and open the door to Christ.
All of the content and websites by Light In The Dark Place are 100% nonmonetized and I do not accept donations.
This information is to never be sold or traded for a reward but is only to be freely given as you have freely received.
If you have received these words as truth, we encourage you to continue the efforts in shining light on this dark world by sharing this content with your friends and family.
More About Jonathan Kleck's Ministry: thisisit4321 be4thefire
The goal of the ministry is:
"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
- Act 26:18
(The Words of The Lord Jesus Christ)
If you would like to help support the thisisitbe4thefire ministry you may view this link here: thisisitbe4thefire | Support & Contact.
Send to Jonathan Kleck via. PayPal or P.O. Box.
PayPal: jk@jonathankleck.com
Jonathan Kleck
P.O. Box 91281
San Antonio, Texas
78209 USA
All of Jonathan Kleck's thisisit4321 be4thefire ministry videos have been memorialized and backed up at KleckFiles.com
We also welcome you to visit: THIS IS IT Be4theFire